
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Call to Intercession

It's easy to become content with our everyday routine. The familiarity of the rhythm of life brings comfort.  Soothed by the aroma of fresh coffee brewing in the morning and the customary sounds of our households wakening to a new day add to our sense of well being.

For some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, the routine of their lives has been brutally interrupted. By confessing Christ as their Savior, they have literally put their lives and their children in harms way. Sunday, November 14, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. As I was reading through Voice of the Martyrs web site, I was arrested by some of the images and life stories I read. These are modern day heroes and heroines of the faith who have literally given up everything to follow Christ.

As I sat nestled in my favorite Queen Anne recliner, the tears welled up in my eyes, as I read about the testimony of a family from Somalia.

 "Christian Osman Abdullah Fataho was shot and killed in front of his wife and four children last July by Al Shabaab rebels, who have stated their goal of killing every Christian in Somalia. Fataho’s four children were abducted by the rebels to be trained as jihadists. PRAY for Ali (5), Fatuma (7), Sharif (10) and Nur (15) to remain strong in their faith and be reunited with their mother."

Reading about this family I couldn't help but think about my own. With six children and a four year old granddaughter, the security and safety of my family is vitally important to me. I can't imagine the heartbreak and mourning of Christian Fataho's widow. 
The first word in Hebrews 13:3 is REMEMBER...

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; [and] them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. ~Hebrews 13:3

Let's take this opportunity to not only remember but to pray and tell our children about their other brothers and sisters in Christ globally who are literally laying down their lives for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom. Starting November 14, IDOP, will begin 14 days of prayer for our persecuted brethren. Please join me as we literally fulfill Hebrews 13:3 and pray. Visit The International Day of Prayer  website to download the 14 day prayer plan. Let's spread the word and may our prayers rise together in a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Savior.

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