
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Distractions! Distractions! Distractions!

I enjoy watching the changing canvas of the seasons. The autumn palette will soon conform to the silvery whites of winter's icy brush. In the days ahead, the routine and rhythm of life will be challenged by the demands of the "holiday season". As I was praying the other day, the Holy Spirit reminded me to beware of "time snatchers". The scripture from Leviticus 6:13 popped into my heart:

The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

This scripture is a powerful visual picture of God's heart. This commandment of the Lord was God's specific directive to those whom He had called to serve Him.  Matthew Henry says it best:

By this law we are taught to keep up in our minds a constant disposition to all acts of piety and devotion, an habitual affection to divine things, so as to be always ready to every good word and work. We must not only not quench the Spirit, but we must stir up the gift that is in us. Though we be not always sacrificing, yet we must keep the fire of holy love always burning; and thus we must pray always.

During this sacred and festive time of year, my spiritual antenna is keenly aware of the potential of my fire going out.  Please note, that this is personal and not corporate. It's easy to "feel" as if we are keeping the Lord the focal point when we include Him in corporate worship, family devotions and group activities. He is glorified when we gather to honor Him corporately, but He's always looking for our personal intimate worship and devotion.

So I prepare, plan and have checkpoints to make sure I keep the "fire of holy love" burning to my King. First, I assess my heart, life and daily routine to see if I have over committed to projects or allowed any bad patterns of behavior or attitudes to creep in that would pull me away from my personal ministry to the Lord.

It can be something as simple as staying up too late, causing me not to be able to get up on time for my own devotions, which then causes me to feel rushed. Once I identify the "time snatchers", I pray and ask for forgiveness. Then, immediately I turn my attention to focus on the primary spiritual culprit. In this case, going to bed at a decent hour so I can get up. This requires discipline and diligence, but Jesus Christ, the King of Kings deserves it!

I'm far from perfect, but my heart's desire is to please Him. My heart beats with Matthew Henry:

"we must keep the fire of holy love always burning; and thus we must pray always."


  1. Thank you again, Wanda, for ushering me into His presence.

  2. Yes we must keep the LORD'S fire burning.
