
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Desert Places

I have gone through some very hard times spiritually. I especially remember the times when it seemed as if I was going through a spiritual desert. Although I was desperately seeking God, it was as if, He couldn't be found. I examined myself over and over again to see if somehow I had some covert sin I was refusing to confess before the Lord. My heart ached for Him and yet  He seemed so far away. I cried for a drink of the Living Water.

I crossed the desert trusting in His Words alone, knowing that He promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Along the way, I thought I found Him, but it was only a mirage. As I traversed the barren wasteland, seeking for a sign of Him,  He was shedding the extra baggage I had inadvertently picked up.

Neatly packed backpacks labeled: The Cares of this World & Have No Other gods before Me, were slowing my pace. The daily demands of my life seemed to scream for my immediate attention and left my Beloved waiting for my leftover energy and time.

You see, it was necessary for me to go through the desert. I had to feel the weight of the backpacks, so I could repent, toss them aside and return to My First Love, Jesus Christ. Without the desert experience, there would have been no blistering sun, fierce winds or desperate thirst to drive me back to Him.

When I sought Him out of a pure heart, He heard me and let me drink deeply of Him. I can still hear His voice...

  Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. ~John 7:37b

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