
Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Secret Weapon

The Old Testament is one of my favorite books to read. There's lots of drama, incredible miracles, suspense and history displayed right before one's eyes!  As you read, one can't help but notice the cycle of God's chosen people, Israel. Jehovah God watches as His beloved Israel goes from believing and trusting Him, to falling into idolatry. Repentance takes place, the people serve the Lord for a couple of generations and then they fall into idolatry again.

The commandments and directives of the Lord were loud and clear.

Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, [or] the likeness of any [thing], which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee.~Deut.4:23

One of the life lessons I've gleaned from the Israelites is the invaluable art of remembrance. It's one of the most basic, foundational, spiritual disciplines that we should employ in our spiritual lives, yet it is often neglected. The Israelites failed to remember the LORD and His commands. They became unthankful, discontent and fell into unbelief and disobedience. My choice of weaponry against the Enemy of Forgetfulness is my journal and pen.

In my spiritual journal, I document the lessons the Lord is teaching me. Flipping through the pages of my journal one may find: prayers of repentance, scriptures I'm studying to replace carnal thoughts and bad habits, lyrics to songs I sing to the Lord, prayer requests, topical studies, book studies, directives the Good Shepherd has given, dreams He's placed in my heart and prophecies. By documenting God's   instructions and answers to my prayers, I am able to remember God's faithfulness, His correction, love and record my own spiritual growth.

As I return to the worn pages of my old journals, I cry as my eyes scan the counsel of God. God really LOVES me. I'm so grateful I took the time to capture the treasure of His heart! Armed with pen and journal, a thankful and believing heart, I now stand poised to trample the Enemy of Forgetfulness!

The law of Thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces. Psalm 119:72 NAS


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